HOM101: Acute Prescribing Homeopathy First Aid

Homeopathy is a natural and holistic system of medicine that stimulates the body’s own healing power. It can help you deal with acute conditions such as injuries, infections, allergies, and more. If you want to learn how to use homeopathy for yourself, your family, or your animals, you can enroll in the online course HOM101: Acute Prescribing offered by PENZANCE Equine Integrative Solutions. This course will teach you the basics of homeopathy, how to select and administer remedies, and how to handle different acute situations. You will also get to practice your skills with case studies and feedback from experienced homeopaths. The course is suitable for beginners and intermediate learners who want to improve their knowledge and confidence in using homeopathy.

Taking a Homeopathic Case.

First Aid and Acute Prescribing
Remedy Descriptions- both fundamental and advanced information

Introduction to Constitutional Prescribing

Introduction to Chronic Disease Prescribing with some remedies

Description of Homeopathic Texts and Instructions on how to use them



Homeopathy, Beyond flat Earth Medicine: An Introduction for Students and Patients, Timothy R. dooley, N.D., M.D.

The Complete Homeopathy Handbook, Miranda Castro

COURSE FEE: $325 if paid in full

$35 automatic weekly payments for 10 weeks if needed.

PAYPAL TO: gwen.santagate@gmail.com

VENMO TO: @Gwenyth-Santagate